Optimise Functionality
Compressible Powdered Oils
Compressible Powdered Oils (CPO®) is an innovative oil to powder conversion technology, specifically designed to overcome the challenges of formulating with oily lipid-based ingredients. CPO®s overcome formulation challenges, addressing the problem of product spoilage from oils. This ingenious material development allows oily active ingredients to be included in stable tablet and powder formulations without leaching of the oils.
Supercharge Bioavailability
Combine functionality with supercharged bioavailability, an oily active formulation that is already enhanced with AquaCelle® micellar technology can be easily transformed into a solid powder by loading with CPO® technology.
CPO® Advantages:
improved functionality
high active load
compressible for tabletting
stabile oil to powder conversion
overcomes associated tableting spoilage issues
water dispersible
improved shelf life
100% vegan
made in Australia
oils are retained in the pore structure
CPO® is a trademark owned exclusively by Pharmako Biotechnologies Pty. Ltd., registered in Australia and other countries.