Making News
PlexoZome® is the latest liposomal technology to join our suite of advanced delivery systems
Pharmako Biotechnologies has launched its genuine liposomal technology at Supplyside West 2022. PlexoZome® is used to increase the bioavailability of nutraceuticals containing nutrients that are both hydrophilic and lipophilic in nature.
Read the discussion with George Kokkinis and NutraIngredients Asia here.
Unparalleled Therapeutic Goods Administrations (TGA) licence granted
We are proud to announce the first of its kind Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) licence for our manufacturing facility. Pharmako is now the first manufacturer in Australia licensed for production of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs), including pre-mixes, capsules, liquids and powders, and clinical trial product manufacturing. The licence places Pharmako within a select group of manufacturers which have the ability to meet the rigorous evaluation of Australia’s governing body. An equivalent to the Federal Drug Administration in the United States, the TGA is recognised globally.
The Evolving demand for Delivery Innovations
The bioavailability of a nutrient or bioactive compound is how well, or how much is absorbed by the body. The oral bioavailability of a nutraceutical is the amount of the ingested nutrient that reaches the blood still in an active form. Many emerging technologies from pharmaceutical delivery systems are being adopted in nutraceuticals and active nutrition.
For more, read the article published in Natural Products Insider/Summer 2020
Australian Trusted Trader status
Pharmako Biotechnologies Pty Ltd are proud to be accredited with Australian Trusted Trader status.
Australian Trusted Trader is a trade facilitation initiative by the Australian Government, Department of Immigration and Border Protection, which recognises businesses with a secure supply chain and compliant trade practices.
Pharmako presents at Nanomedicine Conference
George Kokkinis the company founder, presents during the 10th International Nanomedicine Conference. The event was co-hosted by the Australian Centre for NanoMedicine (ACN), UNSW Sydney. The main objective of the conference is to share novel research that may lead to prevention, diagnosis and/or treatment of some of the most challenging diseases.
Addenbrookes Charitable Trust fundraiser
Pharmako and Gencor Pacific supporting our partners Cambridge Commodities with Addenbrookes Charitable Trust fundraiser, an incredible 300 kms in 2 days through Flanders in Belgium.
WIPO grant LipiSperse® approval
Pharmako patent approval for delivery system technology opens doors for NPD and new partnerships. Pharmako Biotechnologies has had our patent for LipiSperse® approved by the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), opening the door for Pharmako to develop novel formulations for lipid-soluble compounds.